Do you have Complex Polyps?
Most colon polyps are small clumps of abnormal cells on the inner lining of the colon and can be removed safely and effectively during your colonoscopy.
But 10-15% are deemed too large, too complex, and/or too hard to reach during a typical colonoscopy screening–these are considered complex polyps.
Depending on the unique circumstances of your polyp, and your doctor’s professional opinion, your removal options may allow you to make a choice between a SURGICAL approach or an ENDOSURGICAL (ENDOLUMINAL) approach, which has the potential to be colon-sparing.
Have you received a complex polyp diagnosis?
Use our Physician Finder to locate a professional who can help you “keep your colon”.
Healthcare workers, please visit for more information.
Colon Health Is Important
Non-profit organizations provide a wide range of information and services specifically for patients with digestive diseases, their families, and healthcare providers.

The American Cancer Society works to reduce the incidence of cancer and save lives by funding and conducting research, working with lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer, providing access to care for people who are underinsured or uninsured, and providing other types of support for individuals through their diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment care.

Cancer Care provides free professional support services and information to help people manage the emotional, practical, and financial challenges of cancer. Provided by oncology social workers and cancer experts, the services include counseling and support groups over the phone, online and in-person; educational workshops; publications, and financial and co-payment assistance.
Stay in Touch

At Lumendi, we are happy whenever colon polypectomy interventions can be replaced with colon-sparing, minimally invasive endosurgical procedures. We report about it regularly on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Follow #KeepYourColon and keep up to date.